Branding & Marketing Coach: 20 Years of Experience!
4601 134th Ave Unit B Hamilton, MI. 49419

Tag: Inspiration

❤️ 5 Quick Tips to Successful Stress Reduction.

Hello friend,

Dave here again with key insights for SUCCESS!

A major part of success is how you deal with STRESS…

Believe it or not stress can be addictive and it can be habitual. In one way, that means stress can be difficult to overcome. Here are 5 quick-fire tips to help you reduce your own stress, and improve your quality of life.

1. Get Started on Your Anti-Stress Campaign Now.

As with any bad habit, it is very easy to put off doing anything about it. Thus, most people never do anything about their bad habits other than give them a passing thought now and again. Treat your stress as a bad habit, but get serious about beating it now.  You can get started this very second.

2. Use Positive Thinking as a Stress Busting Support Aid.

You have probably heard of positive thinking, you may have even done something about it at some time, But have you thought about it in the context of beating stress? Positive thinking can be a strong support aid for your anti-stress campaign. Once you realize stress can easily be beaten, and you determine to do so, your positive thoughts about being a success in reducing stress will ensure that you do so.

As much as possible, only associate with positive people, read inspirational and positive books and magazines. Seek out those who seem relaxed, confidence and very successful, and learn how they do it. Keep away from negative complainers, they drag you down.  Some people are soooo negative that if you put them in a dark room they would develop.

3. Learn to Relax Properly to Beat Stress.

Learning to relax at any time, and in any place, is a powerful add to overcoming any stress problem you may have. It will also help your health and prevent stress in the future. Practice some home relaxation techniques , and also try yoga sessions. Yoga really is a wonderful way to learn how to relax properly and get your breathing right. It will also get you into a peaceful environment with the right type of positive people to assist you in beating stress.

4. Giving Back and Helping Others Can reduce Your Own Stress.

Many people find that helping others on a regular basis reduces their own stress. This is because their focus is changed outwards, and there is no time to look inward with any self pity, and aggravate that stress.

5. Laughter Really is the Best Stress Buster.

You have probably heard this a million times: laughter is the best medicine. It is also a marvelous way of reducing stress. How can you feel stressed when you are laughing your head off? The oxygen is pumping around your body, and there is not a stressful thought or feeling in your body.

Here’s to keeping it real and living a successful STRESS FREE life.

Stress & Worry is the Rust on the Blade…




Branding & Marketing Coach

Dave Bradbury


PS: Did you know I offer a FREE consultation zoom/call to evaluate your business desires? Setup your FREE consultation today!!!

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😎 Are you adding VALUE to peoples lives?

Hello friends,

The Art of Adding Value… But what does that mean?

Zig Ziglar had it 100% right when he said. “You can have everything in life you want, if you will just help other people get what they want”.

Well PEOPLE WANT VALUE, so give it to them.

You must truly start with the intention to help them receive what they want. Adding value to your client, customers, and prospects lives could very well be the BEST skill you could master. It is a surefire sign of a TRUE Leader. That to me is the quintessential ingredient to adding value to peoples lives.

Most people are only concerned about what they will “get”, (the what’s in it for me game) instead of what your clients or prospects will receive from the relationship. It is very important to be “genuine and pure”. If you are fake or lean heavily towards “narcissism” you’re destined for a hard road to travel.

Focusing on what you will get tends to have us lean more towards pitching our deals and peddling our products. Let’s face it, the last thing ANYONE needs is yet another supplement that is TAKING THE WORLD BY STORM. Or another service that has NEVER BEEN DONE BEFORE. We are inundated with ads about products and services all the day long. So with that being said, why would you market your business that way?

This behavior creates the opposite of the law of attraction. If you really want to attract people to your business, step out and BE A LEADER. You see people are not looking for products, they are looking for a Leader. Will you Lead?

So here you are my friend, breaking new ground. Now you KNOW…

Here is what you do next. Find your “MOJO”, your PASSION, your CAUSE. Then lead by EXCELLENT EXAMPLE. Instead of being solely focused on YOU and YOUR SUCCESS, focus on the Success of OTHERS.




Branding & Marketing Coach

Dave Bradbury


PS: Did you know I offer a FREE consultation zoom/call to evaluate your business desires? Setup your FREE consultation today!!!

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