Branding & Marketing Coach: 20 Years of Experience!
4601 134th Ave Unit B Hamilton, MI. 49419

Work with Me

3 ways to work DIRECTLY with me.

You can learn more about my unique talents and specialties by visiting here.

Book a FREE appointment with me today!!!

#1: You can hire me as your one-on-one coach, this way we can focus together on YOUR business plan and what YOU are wanting to accomplish. I will be all-in for your success, building a game plan that is specific to YOU.  My main goal is to teach you HOW TO monetize your personal development investment.  Learning the game of monetization is one of the MOST IMPORTANT entrepreneurial skills one can possess.  If you are ready to change the quality of your life now, ===> click here.

#2: You can register for one of my many group training products and groups.  This is a great method of educating yourself with a lesser cost to your wallet.  Group trainings are also a great way to PUT LEGS under your dreams. I offer several 4-Week Bootcamp products where we will accomplish specific goals that are TANGIBLE for you and your business.  Like “how to produce short form videos” and “personal branding” to name a couple.  I also offer longer more intense trainings that our part of my 90 Day Challenge Group series.  You can register right now for the next RETRAIN YOUR BRAIN 90 Day Challenge Group ===> click here.

#3: You can JOIN my network marketing TEAM and build your business directly with me.  I provide FREE daily zooms for my team so you will have daily access to me. That will assist you greatly, giving you an edge that most don’t have.  Once in a while I will offer a NEW TEAM opportunity when the time is right. New members will have direct experience with the momentum of a NEW TEAM. It can be very exciting!!!  and no I do not build multiple companies in network marketing.  I have a very happy home with a trusted founder and an impeccable corporate team, and I will not be leaving.  My company is debt free and has a patented product that works.  We will not fall in to the ME TOO opportunities that plague the industry to this day.  You can learn more about my company and the products we offer ===> click here.

Work with Me


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