Branding & Marketing Coach: 20 Years of Experience!
4601 134th Ave Unit B Hamilton, MI. 49419

✅ 8 Proven Steps to Success with your Network Marketing Business!

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Hello friend,

Here we go, with more info to set yourself up for SUCCESS in your business. I can only encourage you to take this info and run with it like your life hung in the balance.

These are the 8 Proven Steps to Success with ANY Network Marketing Business.


1- Personal Use: You must be on your products and/or services yourself. (Become a product of the product.)

2- Maintain Customer Points: Maintain your monthly minimum purchase requirement for your compensation plan. (Your TEAM will do whatever you are doing or NOT doing.)

3- Share The Presentation: STP, minimum of three a week. (More is always better.)

4- Positive Audios: 30 minutes a day, Conference Calls, Webinars, CDs. (Personal Development is Key in ANY Business.)

5- Success Books: Read 15-20 minutes a day, preferably before bed. (This allows the information to sink deeper into your subconscious.)

6- Functions: Attend all Functions. (This can be a live event or via conference call or webinar.)

7- Association: Attend at least one meeting per a week. (This can be a live event or via conference call or webinar as well.)

8- Council Upline: Weekly/Daily with your Successful line of Sponsorship. (You are in business for yourself but not by yourself. Your upline business partners have a vested interest in YOUR Success.)

Work on yourself everyday through Personal Development. I have hand picked some GREAT Books to assist you with your journey,

Hand picked (Books, Cds, and DVDs) at:

Finding is reserved for the searcher… Everything you need to succeed is available RIGHT NOW if you are TRULY seeking success.

More Millionaires are created in a Down Economy and it has never been easier to succeed than it is right now.




Branding & Marketing Coach

Dave Bradbury


PS: Did you know I offer a FREE consultation zoom/call to evaluate your business desires? Setup your FREE consultation today!!!

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