Branding & Marketing Coach: 20 Years of Experience!
4601 134th Ave Unit B Hamilton, MI. 49419

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Are you seeking to break the chains of mediocrity?  What if building your business was fun AND easy instead of a constant tormented frustration?  Did you know it’s just as easy to earn a million dollars as it is a hundred thousand dollars? People that make a lot of money and enjoy great successes do so because they have learned HOW TO work smarter, not harder.

If you are new here, please take a moment to read my story.  With no test, there can be no testimony!!!

Because I have gone through so many adversities and fallen many times, I can now HELP YOU.  My stumbling blocks can be your stepping stones.

Join my branding and marketing newsletter at the top and plugin to my branding and marketing groups and pages. You can also learn more about my many products and services at

“Today I will do what others won’t, so tomorrow I can do what others can’t.” – Jerry Rice.

Wherever you go, there YOU are. Take the time NOW to arrive as the BEST YOU possible. May God Bless You BIG TIME!




Branding & Marketing Coach

Dave Bradbury


PS: Did you know I offer a FREE consultation zoom/call to evaluate your business desires? Book an appointment with me today!!!

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